
The Project Development Objective (PDO) is improved Food security and nutrition as a consequence of increased food production by the target beneficiaries.

Specific Objectives:

  • Enhanced household food security  and nutrition
  • Increased awareness on sustainable farming practices
  • Improved savings by the beneficiaries through reduced purchase of vegetables induced by self-production
  • Enhanced resilience of beneficiaries  to climate change

Project summary

The Project beneficiaries will be people living with disabilities (PLWDs) residing in urban slums of Nakuru County. The project targets 50 beneficiaries and all of them will be drawn from people living with disabilities of mixed gender. Many families living with disabilities lack food supply at the household level and they struggle to meet their nutritional needs, due to their conditions. The gardens are designed in a way that they withstand rainy season and need little water in dry season. The vegetables are chosen to meet exactly the nutritional needs of the beneficiaries. The beneficiaries will receive specific assistance from the project which will include materials for making a complete multi-storey garden made of 6 layers and supported technical backstopping. These materials will include an already assembled polythene sheeting for the garden and organic manure.  The initiative will empower beneficiaries through capacity building and boosting of savings made through production of own food and potential income from sales of produce. The Unfinished Agenda Africa will conduct active beneficiary identification, sensitization and capacity building on the importance of urban farming, available innovative techniques applicable in their own spaces and demonstrations on how it’s practically done. This type of farming is considered land sparing because it enables large quantities of food to be produced in a variety of small spaces. Therefore it is appropriate for this setting

Project Budget

EURO 7000

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BANK A/C 1320214053





Donation Total: $100.00

.To more details on the project contact us.